Saturday, August 14, 2010

Two years and thats all I have to say. Sad.

Since I'm going off of my old blog a part of me feels like I'm supposed to catch up with everything that has happened in the past two years, but frankly that would be long and boring. So in order for me to just focus on the present I'm going to sum everything up: *Matt finally proposed! On June 25. We are getting married June 4, 2011 and I can't wait! *Teaching did not work out, I am now a research assistant at a private clinic. I work with a bunch of old women who have nothing better to do than to gossip or talk about their dogs/cats. Actually I guess thats it. Two years and thats all I have to say. Sad. Last month Matt and I took a much needed vacation. We went to Kansas City. We stayed at a nice hotel that was within walking distance of stores and restaurants. The first night there we looked through a list of restaurants in the area and decided on a steakhouse. I didn't bring anything to dress up instead of a summer dress, but I thought it was too daytime-y. So I wore jeans and my chucks and we walked to the steakhouse. The fact that they had valet parking should have been our second clue. The fact that it was a STEAKHOUSE should have been our first clue. But in we walked and it was a fancy place with super expensive food and table cloths and Matt and I were wearing jeans. I felt so dumb. (At home I dress up to go to Applebees) I don't even want to tell you how much that dinner cost me. At night we waited until the last minute to go to the pool because we figured there would be less people. WRONG. Everyone in the hotel decided it was a perfect time to bring their spawn. Not very relaxing. The next day we walked around town and we were waiting on the street corner (this part of Kansas city did not like stoplights, even though there are tons of people walking and driving. It seems like an accident waiting to happen) Anyways these guys were moving a whole pile of boxes and they fell and would have hit us both, but Matt was quick and pulled me away. This sounds like the most boring vacation but it wasn't. I had lots of fun with Matt and we went to Oceans of Fun on our last day. There just isn't anything noteworthy that happened.