Monday, December 30, 2013

Christmas recap; goodbye 2013

     I hope I will be better at posting next year but who knows.  It has been a stressful, busy month.  We bought a house!  We are closing tomorrow.  It was built in 1959 and looks different on the outside than every other home we saw so it was a breath of fresh air.  I think it is so cute.  It has plenty of room for us to be comfortable for a few years and grow our family.  It was just stressful getting all of the paperwork in.  It is almost all over and now we will be able to concentrate on fixing it up.  I can post inside pictures later.

My Christmas wreath.
     Christmas was great.  We spent time with both our families and Eric got to spend it with us.  It's always nice having everyone together again.  We played a couple of games, had some delicious food and all the kids had a blast together.  I thought Adrian would be more fun opening gifts this year but he was pretty apathetic.  When we opened presents from Santa he pulled the bow off of one present, and tried to bite another bow off.  That was it.  He loved playing with everything once it was open so that has been entertaining.  It's nice to have new things to play with him.

     Now that Adrian has all of the physical milestones down, he is talking more.  In one day I heard him say three new things.  He said "uh huh" when my dad asked him if he liked his new plane.  He repeatedly said "ta daa!" while my mom was playing with him.  He said "uh oh!" but I'm not sure what that was about.  He says "more" "wow" and his new favorite word is "no."  He hands books to me when he wants to read.  His favorite book is the Pout Pout Fish.  He is starting to outgrow his onesies and shirts, but his pants are still too long.  The boy has a long torso and short legs.

I went to get pictures from my phone and google made it snow in this picture lol.

     I don't want to forget cute stories and I know I'll have many more as he gets older.  I'm going to try to be better at keeping up with this.  Here's to the new year!