Friday, January 21, 2011

Paranoia? Maybe.

     We registered at another place and found salt and pepper shakers that were pleasing to Matthew. Then we proceeded to argue about a rolling pin and the bathroom supplies (toothbrush holder, soap dispenser etc.) Not serious arguing, just the usual.

     We FINALLY picked a honeymoon place. We are going to Hawaii! Yeah! But I told Matt we can't go scuba diving because I heard of two people who went scuba diving on their honeymoon and died. Paranoia? Maybe. It took forever to figure out where we wanted to go. I felt kind of apathetic about it so I told him to pick a few places and I would help choose one. It was a pretty easy choice since the Bahama's broke a rule (stay in the country) and Washington D.C. would be too stressful for a honeymoon but I really want to go one day. I'd love to see the colonies and go to a living history museum. I just love history!

      I think we are going to go ahead and buy a condo/townhouse. The likelihood that we would have to move is slim. Either his parents would buy it from us or I would say NO we are NOT moving. But if it was somewhere that people don't get excited when it gets to the double digits, I would have to consider it. I hate the cold with a fiery passion. I was not made to live in cold climates.

      Tomorrow my sister and cousins are getting their bridesmaid dresses and so is Jill! Only one more bridesmaid to go! Also our save the dates will be getting in soon. Then for the next few months we have the lighting guy coming, a tasting for the dinner menu, florist appointments, tuxes, and Matt's Aunt in Minnesota is throwing a bridal shower for me in April. It feels good to get things checked off the list.

1 comment:

Jill said...

i have your blog bookmarked, but for some reason when i clicked on it it said "page cannot be displayed." but i found your blog via your facebook. and it worked! yay! keep writing- i like your stories :) i will buy my bridesmaid dress soon, i swear :)