Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

I got a new camera for my birthday from Matt!  I will definitely be taking more pictures now.  

This weekend we went to a Halloween party.  I was bridezilla and Matt was Maverick from Top Gun.  We went with Bart (Goose from Top Gun) and Anna (an angel) to Bart’s friends house.  My favorite costume was a pregnant girl dressed as a sumo wrestler!

                                                              This is Matt in his costume

                              Me throwing a fit (you can’t see my veil but I promise I’m wearing it)  I didn't realize anything was wrong with this picture til I put it up.  The lighting is all wonky and my face looks weird.  It looked so good when I saw it on the camera! :(

                        Then self portraits we took.  Me strangling Maverick, notice the devil horns.

After the party we watched Paranormal Activity 3.  I thought it was scary and good but it didn’t traumatize me as much as I thought it would.  No more than any other ghost shows I watch (which is a lot because I’ve always had a strange obsession with such things.)

On Sunday we went to Cracker Barrel.  I wanted Matt to take me for so long but he wouldn’t because it’s “too country.”  It was good but super crowded.  We argued about the reality of Ouiji boards.  He said it’s been proven that people move them and their subconscious decides what to spell out.  I said that may be true sometimes but I believe that it opens the door to letting ghosts or non-human entities communicate with you.  I don’t think it is anything that should be messed with.  Either way we both agree that it won’t be allowed in our house, so I guess it doesn’t matter.

I made bathroom curtains!

 We got a new shower curtain after we picked this fabric out but it works for me.  I like the different patterns together.  

I went to my parents house to see the kiddos in their costumes. The colors in front of the house are so beautiful, I just love fall! 

Caroline is a cat:

Christian was a ninja, Michelle worked really hard on this costume:

Matt is supposed to take a pharmacy tech test next month so he can get certified and get a job.  He is also supposed to apply for grad school (clinical psych) in November.  We will find out in February whether or not he gets in.  They only accept about 8-10 students a year and it is the only school around here that has this particular degree.  I’m not sure what is going to happen but I trust that God has a plan for us.  I just hope that my plan and his plan are very similar!  :)

I'm ready to say goodbye to Halloween. 26 days til I can decorate for Christmas!!!!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Manly Play Date, Big Decisions, and Pet Peeves of a Goodie-goodie

            My FIL says my Halloween wreath is creepy and looks like death.  Sweet!  It is making it harder to close the door though; I might wait until next year to do a Christmas wreath; hopefully we will have a house.

            Matt and I had a conversation last Thursday about the next steps in our lives.  As you probably know, I am a planner.  I like to at least pretend that I know what is going to happen in the next couple of years.  One thing we decided is to buy a house before our lease expires in May. I’m like the boy who cried wolf since I talked about getting a house earlier this year and it didn’t come to fruition. However, I finally know what our expenses are and my car is paid off so we are totally ready!

            On Saturday Emilee and Aaron came to town so we could shop for baby shower goodies. The men decided to stay at our apartment and play Xbox (Gears of War 3) instead of going through such torture.  It was like a play-date; how adorable!  They were pretty grateful I must say.  I told Aaron I’m expecting a Christmas wedding next year but I have to remind myself not to bug him too much.  Matt hated all the ribbing he got.  As it is I think I know about 6 couples that will get married in the next year! 

            Speaking of Xbox, Matt is SO addicted and he plays every day for hours while he talks to his friends.  I think the Xbox might get stolen or possibly thrown out of the window.  Oops?  Netflix is being really slow and annoying lately so I wouldn’t even miss that. 

            We went to a hockey game on Friday and our team won!  It was very fun and I’m excited to have our own seats every week.  I was in a bad mood for the first part of the game because someone in our group decided that he could cross the street whenever he wanted to, even when there was oncoming traffic.  This could have caused an accident and as a worrier and goodie-goodie I was ticked off.  I’m surprised no one got hurt.

            To end on a positive note, here is a self portrait of Matt and me at a wedding reception last weekend: (Matt would argue that the correct grammar is "Matt and I" but he would be incorrect)

 Some random pictures from the pumpkin patch when we took our niece Caroline:
 They don't look like they are having fun, but they are!  Caroline was super excited to hang out with Jill's daughter Elyza :)

 She liked the goats but she kept calling them "Puppies!"  She ignored the llama.  She's too good for llamas.

 My sister said she kept talking about this corn pit the day after the trip.  Michelle thought she was talking about corn stalks or something.  She's making a corn angel!  She's a child of the corn.  No she's actually really sweet and awesome. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

This is Halloween! This is Halloween!

     Well it is at our house anyways!  My title is part of a song from “The Nightmare Before Christmas.” Unfortunately these are the only words I know and I have been singing them to Matt all weekend.  He said that while my enthusiasm was contagious, he still didn’t give a fig about helping me decorate.  It was a little depressing because I am used to doing it with my family.  Plus I only had one box of decorations and I tell you that is not enough!  My mom let me take some decorations from home so it could feel more home-y for Halloween. (including the rat.) I remember trying to decide what to take last year and holding this ceramic pumpkin and a witch we’ve had my whole life.  I thought about all the Halloweens in the past and bawled my eyes out because Halloween would never be the same again.  I was a little stressed out and emotional at that time (planning a wedding and all) but the holidays have all always been a special time to me. I feel like they connect me to my past somehow.  I’m a very nostalgic person.  I had an awesome childhood :)

     I’m hoping our children take after me in the holiday department instead of after Matt.  He doesn’t hate it but to him Halloween and Christmas are each one day and they are just the same as every other day only you get presents and candy.  Maybe I’m the strange one.  My goal is to bring him away from the dark side. 

     Matt was very supportive while I dragged him to 5 stores on Sunday looking for decorations and the materials needed to make my wreath.  I bought a witch broom, some cool haunted house pictures, and a sign with a witch hat that says “I haven’t been the same since that house fell on my sister.” 

     We had a friend’s birthday party on Friday and a football party on Saturday.  The football party was fun until we lost and everyone got depressed.  Oh well, this weekend its hockey!  We also have a wedding reception for a friend I went to college with.  This is one busy month.                                                                                                                                     

I wanted to make a wreath and I loved this one by Martha Stewart.  She says to get red roses and paint them black. That looks pretty but I found black roses with purple glitter so I skipped a step.  

Here is my wreath:


Either my camera sucks, the lighting sucks, or the fact that it is all black just makes taking a picture difficult.  UGH.
Oh here is the fabric I will make our bathroom curtain with:

And here is my haircut.  I chopped it off!

Wow this picture is grainy too.  Oh well Matt already said he is getting a new camera for me for Christmas!