I got a new camera for my birthday from Matt! I will definitely be taking more pictures now.
This weekend we went to a Halloween party. I was bridezilla and Matt was Maverick from Top Gun. We went with Bart (Goose from Top Gun) and Anna (an angel) to Bart’s friends house. My favorite costume was a pregnant girl dressed as a sumo wrestler!
Then self portraits we took. Me strangling Maverick, notice the devil horns.
After the party we watched Paranormal Activity 3. I thought it was scary and good but it didn’t traumatize me as much as I thought it would. No more than any other ghost shows I watch (which is a lot because I’ve always had a strange obsession with such things.)
On Sunday we went to Cracker Barrel. I wanted Matt to take me for so long but he wouldn’t because it’s “too country.” It was good but super crowded. We argued about the reality of Ouiji boards. He said it’s been proven that people move them and their subconscious decides what to spell out. I said that may be true sometimes but I believe that it opens the door to letting ghosts or non-human entities communicate with you. I don’t think it is anything that should be messed with. Either way we both agree that it won’t be allowed in our house, so I guess it doesn’t matter.
I made bathroom curtains!
Matt is supposed to take a pharmacy tech test next month so he can get certified and get a job. He is also supposed to apply for grad school (clinical psych) in November. We will find out in February whether or not he gets in. They only accept about 8-10 students a year and it is the only school around here that has this particular degree. I’m not sure what is going to happen but I trust that God has a plan for us. I just hope that my plan and his plan are very similar! :)