Wednesday, June 25, 2014


     Yesterday was a milestone kind of day.  First we went grocery shopping and I made the mistake of putting the bananas in the cart without some kind of elaborate ruse to distract him.  So he was mad the whole time that I wouldn't give him a banana and he said his first sentence in the right context: "want that".  Then I fed a banana to him when we got to the parking lot and he said "more that".  I was so proud.  The other day I think he said "I don't know" but it was random and not in any sort of context.

     Later I was getting garage sale items ready and he was cranky and needed a nap.  So I put him in his crib and a few minutes later I heard his voice getting closer.  Then he slid down the stairs.  He climbed out of his crib for the first time.  Thankfully he didn't do it when he woke up at 6:30 this morning.

     We haven't been able to walk around the pond at our park lately because Adrian is scared of the fountains.  Finally today we put him in the stroller to walk around it and he did well.  After one lap he was walking towards the water so he could get in.  Now we have the opposite problem.  Perhaps we can try a splash park again without him screaming his head off?  Who am I kidding.

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