Monday, September 29, 2008

Taste the frickin rainbow

This is going to be a dumb complaint, but I think it is really RUDE when everyone decides class should be over, and they start to zip backpacks, rustle papers, put their jackets on etc. while the professer is STILL TALKING. I mean, yes you have been sitting there forever, but these rude gestures are not going to get you out of class much faster. It's like people who are at a red light and they keep inching forward. You are NOT going to get to your destination any faster than anyone else. Calm down people. Oh and someone on my discussion board in my class said they think people should be able to interview for a job with purple hair and not be "discriminated against." They compared this to discrimination against: religion, race, sex, and age. Um...since when was anyone born with purple hair? I mean, if you really want to taste the rainbow just eat some frickin skittles. Yes, I understand that you are not born with a certain religion either, but that is a part of you, an important part of you. Purple hair is a choice, a choice better made by beauticians or other people who get to do creative things for a living. Ok, stepping off the soap box. Or do I live there? Anyways, today Jeremy and Emilee fought about this new fangled thing called "ChaCha." Jeremy thinks it is a scam and Emilee wants to start working for it. But Emilee will probably write all about it in her blog so I wont go into further details. Ashlee cannot go to the pumpkin patch with us because her boyfriend wont go, and I imagine it would be really weird to go somewhere with three couples when you do not have your other half. So I'm sad :( Yeah..."Josh" once said I'm a negative person and now that I am almost finished with this blog I am thinking it might be so lol. I can think about happy things! Today on OTH Nathan's mom said " I guess there’s more than one crazy nanny in this town, bitch" lol and I thought it was funny.

1 comment:

Emilee said...

I don't think you are a negative person julie, even though "josh" said you were. "josh" also said i was scary, so what does he know? lol... OTH was pretty awesome tonight, im glad nanny carrie is finally off that show! And I definitely know what you mean about people putting their stuff away while the teacher is talking. At least PRETEND you care to be there. I hate ( as I have said before) when people correct the teacher (like on a monday when a teacher says "turn this in on thursday" and everyone KNOWS they mean wednesday, but everyone has to correct them by saying "do you mean wednesday? do you mean wednesday?"...) yes, they made a mistake. big deal. Now i guess i am negative too haha. oh well, misery loves company :)