Sunday, April 24, 2011

Pending wedding withdrawal and a little memory

Even though wedding planning has been stressful and frustrating at times, I have this feeling that I will have some withdrawal when it's all over.  No more excuses to go on the Knot or Wedding Bee.  All the most fun things are finished;  now it's just boring things like timelines and confirmations.  I guess I can focus on decorating my house for awhile if I want a creative outlet.  In the end, I'll be with Matt all the time and that's what I've cared about more than the wedding of course.  Only 41 days left.  I cannot believe it is so close!  I've only been waiting like 6 years for this. It'll be so fun to see everything come together! 

I remember the first time Matt mentioned marriage.  I was a freshman sitting in my tiny dorm all alone, and I had just watched Pearl Harbor.  I was talking to him on AIM and all of a sudden he said

Matt: "I have a question, but don't freak out ok?  It's just a question."
Me: "Okay"
Matt: "Do you think that one day, I mean when we are all done with school and have jobs, do you think we would get married?"
Me:" That question doesn't freak me out, I've thought of that before.  Yeah, I think maybe we will"

He probably shouldn't have said anything for a couple of years, we were nowhere near ready!  But it sure made me happy back then :)  It was the first time that getting married felt like a reality to me.   

It turns out Matt will have a couple months of summer break after all.  So we can still go on some kind of honeymoon.  Probably a road trip, that's my favorite kind of vacation. I have no desire to leave the country right now, I wouldn't feel safe.  Just somewhere far away from Nebraska.

1 comment:

Jill said...

aw that's so cute he asked you that way back when! that's awesome matt gets a couple months off this summer! i seriously can't belive how close your wedding is now! our dresses should be in soon! yay!