Saturday, August 13, 2011

I Have the Best Husband!

I heard about a book this guy made called "Where Children Sleep." He went around the world for 3 years taking pictures of kids bedrooms.  There are everywhere from super poor kids to rich kids.  Some sleep on the street or in shacks, and some have houses falling apart.  Some kids have tons of toys and are probably spoiled.  I think it would be a good book to show kids so they can see how bad lots of other people have it.  I think it would be a good way to teach empathy and show them the people Jesus wants us to take care of.  One thing that's wrong with a lot of people in America today is a sense of entitlement; like they think the world owes them.   Not that I'm perfect, but I don't want to raise my kids in the "me" generation.

Today we had a "fun" cleaning day and our apartment finally looks pretty again!  I swear, laundry is taking over my whole life.  It just grows and grows like a big stupid...thing that grows.  I was ill last weekend so I fell behind.  I got a pretty white, lacy dress from Forever 21 today and a white blouse I can wear to work. A lot of my wardrobe is the same as in the beginning of college, I feel like it needs to be updated.  I want to get more professional looking for work.  I've almost been doing research for 2 years!  I've learned a lot.
    Matt took care of my when I was sick and forced me to take medicine and drink juice instead of soda!  He is so sweet, I have the best husband.  He told one of our friends "Getting married is the best decision I ever made, its awesome!  It just gets better every day."  Our friend said: "Yeah?  Give it five years."  RUDE. 

     I've picked out some fabric online to start my DIY projects for my apartment!  I'll put my projects on here if I ever get them done.  I'm really bad at starting projects and never finishing.  I have a blanket I started crocheting two years ago.  I only need to do one more round but I ran out of yarn and just never finished.  BAD Julie BAD!

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