Thursday, May 16, 2013

Catching up on the weekend

     I had a nice Mother's day.  We went to my parent's house and Michelle and I made dinner and she made dessert.  I am seriously the slowest cook ever.  I'm not sure what takes me so long.  I also take forever to eat, and Adrian takes after me.
My messy eater and a hopeful beggar.

       As discovered at our wedding, Matt and I have opposite tastes in flowers.  For example Matt likes calla lilies, while I would prefer begonias. I knew Matt would do a great job with a garden because he has an artistic eye.  I feel like he is better at seeing the bigger picture, whereas I would just pick what I thought was pretty and all the flowers would be the same height and wouldn't look put together. We decided he will plant the garden by the back porch and I would do a couple of pots in front.  I picked some fuchsia impatiens for the front door. I'm afraid they clash with my bright spring wreath but I doubt anyone cares.

New toy from Auntie Cheryl

     Adrian is crawling!  He also is able to get into a sitting position by himself, and his two little bottom front teeth are coming in.  He changes so quickly.  We swear he said "dada" the other day while looking at Matt.  He has been sleeping in his pack n play for at least 6 hours every night.  He'll be moving to his crib soon.  I've been trying to take him outside as much as I can and he loves to just sit and play on his blanket.  We go on walks when Matt is home and it's so nice to enjoy the fresh air.  I'm excited to have a summer that's pregnancy free.  I don't feel like I'm dying every time I get into a hot car, my ankles are a normal size, and I don't get tired after walking for 5 minutes.  In fact, if we have another baby I'm going to avoid being big during the hottest part of the summer.

     As Adrian gets bigger and his clothes and baby equipment get stored, I'm feeling more of a need to get rid of things.  Our storage room is out of control.  It feels like such a waste to have a bunch of crap sitting there that never gets used.  I'm a recovering hoarder and even though I want to get rid of things, it's still hard for me.  I have to be in just the right mood.  Though I must say, I've never regretted tossing anything.  This weekend our goal is to clean the storage room out, so wish me luck.  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay Adrian!! Way to go!