Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Concrete proof that I am a total nerd

     So Buffy the Vampire Slayer was my favorite show back in the day. Okay it still is one of my favorite shows because it is AWESOME. So when my brother told me they were doing a Buffy movie, I was a little hesitant. Last time a movie was mentioned it was canceled so I didn't want to get my hopes up. Well I made the right move because they are making a movie, but it's without the original cast and Joss Whedon (the creator). SHAME. I suppose the new audience might be twi-hards who have not experienced the joys of Buffy and prefer their vampires to sparkle like pixies and their heroines to have the emotional range of Martha Stewart. They are totally alienating the original Buffy fans and I cannot see it working out. At least the movie wont have anything to do with the series though, its a "darker" re-imagining of the movie. Wow. I have never proven what I nerd I am before, but there you have it. And it's going to get worse. Despite what my angry rant might lead you to believe, I do think Martha Stewart is a genius and I am on team Jacob. Don't judge me.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Grandma's House

I think I've spent the better part of my day looking at invitations while Matt played video games. Even though I talk about it so much I'm getting pretty bored of wedding planning. I would rather think of dishes and Christmas decorations! Thanksgiving was fun, we went to my grandma's house. She passed a newspaper article around about a woman who did meth, went into septic shock and lost two of her legs. Then she turned her life around. Grandma thought that was an awesome Thanksgiving story. I made three pies: apple, pecan and pumpkin. It gave me a lot of practice, I always have issues with the dough. It tastes fine but I handle it too much and then my crust won't hold it's shape. My niece is almost three and she has discovered the art of story telling. The other day she was riding in the car with my mom. They passed some random building and she said "my friend goes to school there and I play with her. No I don't, it's too far away."

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Homicidal Turkeys

     7 months til I get married! I am so excited! Last Monday I tried on my wedding dress and loved it even more than I did the first time. Its so me! Ever since I was little and saw the “North and South” mini series, Little Women and Gone with the Wind I have always wanted to wear a big dress. I thought I would have a hoop skirt but I guess it’s not necessary for my dress. (Technically its an A-line, not too big for my frame.)Anyway, I told Jill it’s a good thing they keep it at the store because otherwise I would live in it. Jill said it wouldn’t be very pretty with spaghetti and coke stains all over it. I guess she is right.

     Everything was going smoothly and then last week our band canceled on us. With 7 months to go. Because somebody got pregnant. Nobody wants to watch a live birth onstage, so the new search began and we found the PERFECT band. Thank goodness they were free! They have a great song list and it sounds like they interact with the crowd well and keep them entertained. In the end, I think it will work out better than the first band.

     Last weekend we watched a movie about a turkey that murdered people. It really put me in the holiday spirit. Then Shad decided to turn on a clown movie and that night I had a nightmare about a bunch of people with clown masks on trying to kill people. Coincidence?