Friday, November 26, 2010

Grandma's House

I think I've spent the better part of my day looking at invitations while Matt played video games. Even though I talk about it so much I'm getting pretty bored of wedding planning. I would rather think of dishes and Christmas decorations! Thanksgiving was fun, we went to my grandma's house. She passed a newspaper article around about a woman who did meth, went into septic shock and lost two of her legs. Then she turned her life around. Grandma thought that was an awesome Thanksgiving story. I made three pies: apple, pecan and pumpkin. It gave me a lot of practice, I always have issues with the dough. It tastes fine but I handle it too much and then my crust won't hold it's shape. My niece is almost three and she has discovered the art of story telling. The other day she was riding in the car with my mom. They passed some random building and she said "my friend goes to school there and I play with her. No I don't, it's too far away."

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