Monday, November 7, 2011

Jills baby shower and silly people who expect me to do athletic activities

First let me show you the blanket I made:      


      My mom helped me block it (shape it, using a steamer) last night and I was so excited to have it all finished!  Now I’m ready to start a new one and I’m pretty excited to work with a new color.

     When I was little I used to watch my mom crochet, cook, sew, bake, and do other crafts; I always wanted to be just like her and do everything she did.  I even had my own little sewing machine.  I have a possibly skewed memory of going to a store and being allowed to pick something out.  I chose some sort of my-little-pony (because it had a pretty ring on it) but my mom talked me into a kid’s sewing machine instead.  I have no idea why I remember the most random things.  I reminisce a lot.

      Anyways, speaking of reminiscing, Emilee and I are party queens.  One time in college we did a “food on a stick” party. This was inspired by the state fair.  They had all kinds of food on a stick but it was $10 for a piece of pizza, a hot dog, a twinkie, you name it.  So we decided this was a really good excuse to have a party.  We made tons of food and invited people into our dorm.  I believe this was the beginning of the 2007-2008 school year:
      This weekend we threw a baby shower for Jill and Shad.  We had a lovely food spread, prizes and favors.  We played a game where you match the celebrity to their baby and one where everyone raced to finish apple juice out of a sippy cup.  Also a guessing game: guess how many hershey’s kisses are in the bottle.  Shad won every game!  He got every baby/celebrity match correct which was pretty sweet. 

      After the shower we went our friend Matt’s birthday party at Upstream.  The boys played pool and I got to talk to Allie, and Matt’s girlfriend Katie.  Katie is one of the funniest people I have ever met.  I’ve hung out with her a few times and I’m pretty sure I’ve cried every time from laughing so hard.  Allie and Chris are trying to talk me into going white water rafting or something next summer but I will never do such a thing.  I have my reasons ;) Besides, you have to wear a helmet and helmets are ugly.  I have no desire to do anything that requires ugly attire.  Story of my life. 

 This is either the conversation or an imaginary conversation in my head:

Allie and Chris: "Julie do you want to go white water rafting next summer?"
Chris:" Why not?"
Me: "Do I have to wear a helmet?"
Allie: "Yes."
Me: "No."
Chris:"It'll be fun!  be adventurous! you're going."
Me: "I don't like adventure, I like hotels"

Anyways, I'm hoping to have an excuse not to go by then...

     The kids were cuddling during a movie and it was adorable.  I tried to take a picture but of course they just acted all goofy instead.  Sophie was much more cooperative.  For once.

1 comment:

Jill said...

that blanket you made is gorgeous!