Sunday, June 3, 2012

Starchy Lives

     Matt is weird, and likes to leave dead bugs around to "warn off all others who dare to enter."  I think that's code for being lazy.  So for the past few days I kept looking at the cup to see if he had cleaned it up yet, and of course he hadn't.  But then I started realizing that the spider wasn't always in the same place.  So I took a peek  and Starchy was STILL ALIVE .  That little bastard is resilient.  I'll make Matt take care of him so he doesn't suffer anymore but I swear he was dead a few days ago.  Maybe he is a zombie spider.

     Today I made a cake for my mom's birthday.  I cheated and used a mix because all of the lemon cake recipes I found looked complicated and it normally takes me twice as long as a normal person to finish a recipe.  I did decide to make my own frosting though.  I was going to do lemon butter cream but I forgot to buy a lemon.  I didn't feel like going back to the store so I just eliminated it and my frosting ended up being too dry.  It looked pretty horrible on the cake, but everyone said it still tasted good.  I don't make cakes very often, I'll have to practice making them pretty!  Michelle made sides and dad grilled chicken and pork.  If it wasn't for dad I would be SO barbecue deprived right now.  Matt doesn't really have time for it these days :(  

     Yesterday I went shopping with Emilee because she was in town picking out her wedding flowers.  I went to Carters again and only spent $9 and got 12 articles of clothing because my MIL and her sister earned a bunch of coupons for their shopping spree.  Score!  Jill's baby is 4 months and already wearing some 9 month clothing, so now I'm paranoid and only buying 6 and 9 month clothing until he is born and we see how he grows.  Plus cloth diapers are more bulky than 'sposies so Adrian will need bigger pants. I miss living in the same town as my friends.  However, living an hour away is preferable to being 6 hours away or across the country.  So I'll count my blessings.

     Next Sunday we will be in our new place!  We have a lot of packing to do and the townhouse might not be done in time.  Cross your fingers.  

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