Tuesday, May 29, 2012

30 weeks and a sewing kick

  • How far along? 30 weeks
  • Total weight gain: According to my scale, 14 pounds total.  My scale must be really off.
  • Maternity clothes?  Won’t need any more since Jill lent so many to me!
  • Best moment this week:  Matt texted me this: “I have come to the conclusion that Adrian’s first word he will learn is ‘brains.’ That way I will have the sweetest little zombie ever!”
  • Miss Anything? Being able to mop, do dishes, pack boxes etc. without getting super tired and having to take a break.    
  • Movement: It’s kind of fun to watch my belly move all over the place.  Then when he kicks my ribs or my bladder it’s a little less fun.  But I like knowing that he’s okay so frequently!   
  • Food cravings: Smoothies, ice cream, anything cold.  But this is probably more due to the heat than anything.   
  • Food aversions: Greasy food.  AKA fast food.
  • Gender: Boy!
  • Symptoms: Again with the really weird dreams.  I feel sore when I wake up.  I had edema in my legs and feet for the first three days of last week, but thankfully it’s mostly gone away.  I bought these really cute shoes to make myself feel better about not being able to buy cute new summer clothes, and now they won’t fit.  Boo.
  • Looking forward to: One day when Matt’s schedule doesn't suck, our one year anniversary, and moving into our new town-home!

     So like I said in my crazy woman post, I was pretty much alone all weekend.  I spent quite a lot of time looking for curtains for my dining room but no one had what I was looking for.  Therefore I spent a long time picking fabric and couldn’t decide between two so I made Matt choose.  It was between this:  
Pom pom play spa by Waverly

and this:  

Dwell Studio Vintage Blossom in Azure
and Matt just said “not the bird one.”  Well I had texted him at work to prepare him for this huge life decision and it turns out he didn’t get it until the next day.  So the day after he rejected the bird fabric, he asked to see the fabric I was choosing between and I told him he already helped me pick it out.  I showed them to him again and I really don’t think he likes either one of them.  But hey, he gets a man cave and I’ve included him in most décor decisions in the house.  He gets to pick out the Ugly Dolls for the nursery.  He picked out décor for the front of the house without me, so he gets no sympathy from this camp. 

     Now I’m on a sewing kick.  I was going to buy yellow gingham drapes and a crib skirt but now they are all sold out.  EVERYWHERE.  Apparently it’s a really popular choice.  The skirt was selling for $17.95 at Target and I saw it on eBay (exact same brand) for about $40.  I suspect that someone bought the whole stash just to sell them because they are so popular.  I also saw some for $68 which is just ridiculous.  I decided it will be way cheaper to make my own.  Instead of paying $44 total for curtains and drapes at Target (if they ever come back in stock) I got $31 worth of yellow gingham fabric for $26 because I had a coupon.  Well you get free shipping if you spend $35 on this site so I decided to make my own car seat cover as well.  It’s just to keep the elements off of baby, keep strangers from touching him, etc.  It's like this, this is the tutorial I'm going to use:

I got this elephant fabric 
Premier prints ele french blue/kelso

and this polka dot fabric:

Premier prints oxygen dots brown/french blue

I am way too excited about this.  Stay tuned for my sub-par projects, a post that accidently got deleted, and hopefully some “after” pictures as the townhouse gets finished.

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