Sunday, July 14, 2013

11 months

     Adrian is 11 months old!  As always, he has learned so much this month.  Here's what Adrian is like right now:

  • Eating
  • Slapstick comedy: My parents babysat him and they watched Kung Fu Panda and he was laughing at all the right parts.
  • A specific weight loss commercial with an older lady.  Seriously, he stops what he's doing and watches it every time.
  • Biting
  • Finding new things to put in his mouth
  • The pool
  • Exploring
  • Getting something taken out of his hand
  • When I leave the room
  • Splash parks
  • Has two top teeth
  • Says "mama" clearly
  • Sits on his feet
  • Uses furniture to walk
  • Learning how to follow directions

     He is extra clingy these days.  I got my hair cut and when I got back he held on for dear life.  I was only gone for an hour.  Mom says babies this age start worrying that something will happen to their parent when they're gone.  How sad!

     I'm not pleased with this months photos.  Taking pictures was difficult and most ended up like this:

I made and sent Adrian's first birthday invitations, and I'm excited for his party!  Here's to one more month of babyhood!  

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