Saturday, January 26, 2013


Just thought I would share the adorable baby leg warmers that came in today.  I got them on sale at the Babylegs store for $3 each.  There's one more pair that hasn't come in yet but here's what we have so far:

What's the point, you ask? They don't have to be taken off to change his diaper,  they'll protect his knees when he starts crawling, he won't grow out of them for a long time, they can show off his cloth diapers while we're at home, and they're so darn cute! Matt isn't very excited about them but he'll get used to it.  Have a great Sunday everyone!


Jill said...

i like the striped ones! i bought some for elyza when she was a baby but i've never looked at boy babylegs, cute!

Jujube said...

Thanks! I totally forgot they existed til I saw them in my birth club. Girls have a lot more options, that's for sure.