Monday, February 11, 2013

6 month stats and a cleaning frenzy

     Adrian had his 6 month appointment today.  Everything went well.  Here are his stats:

Weight: 17.5 lbs (43%)

Height: 27 3/4" (86%)

I woke up late and did nothing to myself except get dressed.  I probably looked like a wreck.  Adrian had to get 4 shots and he cried but stopped when I picked him up. He's so brave.  He got Thor band-aids, lucky boy.

     After the appointment we went home so he could eat and take a nap.  Then we went to Target to pick out avocados for the baby bullet.  I found a cute mail holder and a Valentine's card for Matt.  We went to give my mom her copies of his 6 month pictures, then realized I left them at my in laws house :( I was cutting coupons there and it all got mixed up I guess.

     Adrian took another nap when we got home and I went on a cleaning frenzy.  I was just going to take care of some laundry in our room when I decided I had enough of the mess and forced myself to make decisions about what could be thrown away or given away, and where to put random things. Sometimes I just got overwhelmed with it and put it off so Matt could help me on a weekend.  That never happened. So now I have a 90% clean room, minus a couple boxes of things that need to be gone through.  Next I tackled the kitchen and the fridge. That's where that smell was coming from...

I'm excited for Matt to see our nice clean room, and a bed that is actually made.

In conclusion, I have a cute baby.  Wanna see?

Relaxing with a full belly

1 comment:

Jill said...

our kids get plain old boring bandaids! how unfair! :) i'm glad the appointment went well and adrian didnt get too upset with the shots!