Friday, April 19, 2013

Not one of his finest moments

     I'm not gonna lie, I spent a large portion of my day keeping up with the search in Boston.  What a scary day for the Boston area!  We did get to go to dinner though; we went to Hu Hot and it was delicious. We decided to drive around and talk because that's our idea of fun.  We drove past a small fire in a ditch and I'm really hoping no one got hurt.  I haven't found information on it yet.  When we got home we found out they caught the suspect, and it was cool to see everyone in the street cheering.  

On Wednesday Adrian got on his hands and knees for the first time and rocked back and forth.  He is so close to crawling!

Not one of his finest moments.
     I know I just changed my blog title, but I've been thinking about it.  I don't fancy myself so awesome that I have more than five people reading this.  However, this is the internet.  I think I should keep our last name off of this.  Again, I will have to search for a new title.  Be forewarned, the winner might be "Don't put your booger there: Mommy Memoirs" so don't get your knickers in a twist.  That is all.

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