Monday, July 29, 2013


     We are back from Colorado!  It was a long, fun trip so this might get a little long.  We left on Friday and Adrian did really well in the car.  He got sick of it towards the end but we got to Westminster by 5:00.  So we found a Chinese restaurant and ate there.  It was pretty good, I loved their egg rolls.  We swam in the pool, but it was too cold for Matt so we didn't stay long.

     On Saturday we made our way to Gold Hill, Colorado for the wedding of our friend Ruth.  It was a beautiful ride on the way up, albeit scary because we were right on the edge for part of it, nothing between us and a long drop down the cliff.  Matt loved the drive of course, he was entertained while I was freaking out.  On the way up Adrian was babbling a lot and saying mama and dada.  So I asked "Adrian, who is prettier, mama or dada?" and he said "dada dada" so obviously the child was very confused.

     The wedding was very nice and they wrote their own vows.  I only heard his but they were lovely.  We couldn't even get through dinner before Adrian wet his clothes.  I wish I got a picture of him in his outfit, but it's the same thing he wore on fathers day.  We had to leave early because Adrian got cranky.  We stopped at a mall on the way back but it was less impressive when we walked in.  Besides Nordstrom and Macy's they had all the same stores as we have at home.  We got a onesie for Adrian with a little tie attached but that was it.

     We got Chick-fil-a and relaxed in the hotel before heading to the Irish pub for the after party.  I had planned on staying in the hotel with Adrian but decided to try going.  We didn't get to stay long but we still had fun.

     On Sunday we went to a restaurant called "Woody's Pizza" in Golden.  It's a really pretty, perfect looking town.  Matt really wanted to go because he went there in college during a Campus Crusade for Christ trip called the Denver Christmas Conference.  I didn't get the big deal.  Adrian ate black olives and mushrooms and then he repeatedly threw his toys down.

     Adrian needed a nap so we stopped at our second hotel in Colorado Springs, which was pretty crappy compared to the last one.  I got a really good deal though. We went to Garden of the Gods but it was so hot and we didn't have drinks.  I didn't last very long.  I don't think I'm a great traveler once we get out of the car.  We went to Baskin Robbins because I haven't gone since I was a kid.  I got some vanilla ice cream for Adrian and he loved it.  I got the bubblegum flavor because I'm 5 and that's what I always used to get. Of course we both ended up very sticky. We ordered pizza and Adrian passed out by 7:00.  He fought sleep for a little while and would sit up with his eyes half closed, wobbling around.  Matt kept joking "go home Adrian, you're drunk." Finally he gave in and he was out for the night.

     On Monday we visited my Grandma and had lunch at her house.  She made enchiladas and they were delicious!  She is the one who taught my mom how to make them.  Adrian ate rice and cheese.  They had a high chair for him to sit in, which was great.  The last time I saw her was 5 years ago, when we had a family reunion.  She lives with her daughter, who came for lunch too.  We got some pictures with her.  I don't think I have any other pictures with her since I was a baby, but I could be wrong.

You can see giraffes if you look hard enough

So cooperative

Not to impressed by the real-life Gary. (his toy giraffe)

     We stayed for a few hours and then went to Cheyenne Mountain Zoo.  It was beautiful, and we got to see Giraffes, a moose, hippos and elephants up close which doesn't happen at our zoo.  You can feed the giraffes if you want.  I also heard a hippo, have you ever heard a hippo?  It sounds like a very deep maniacal laugh; it's awesome.  It was nice to have a different scenery at a zoo, since I've gone to the same one for 14 years now.  Even if Henry Doorly is the 2nd best, it's still nice to see other places.  I tried to point out all the animals to Adrian but the only one that really caught his attention was a pot bellied pig.  Seriously.

     On our last day we went to Carter's because I miss having a Carter's near me and got some really good deals.  Adrian is going to have such adorable clothes this fall!  Finally we went home and I think we were all glad to be done with the trip.

1 comment:

Jill said...

i love colorado- sounds like you had a good time! that's so cool you were able to see your grandma again after so much time- i bet she loved meeting adrian :)