Thursday, October 25, 2012

Adrian's Baptism

     This past weekend my baby boy got baptized. (Or as Caroline says "zap-a-tized") He stayed content until the cold water was poured over his head, but he still took it like a champ.  We ended up missing the whole rest of the service because I had to feed him and there was a whole mis-communication about where the formula was.  The party was at my in-laws and all the family members helped put it together.  It was a lovely party and we had a lot of people come.  It was really fun to see everyone. Chris and Emilee are Adrian's godparents, I must have been flustered because I can't believe I didn't get a picture of him with them!  He was very hot in his outfit though, we had to take it off pretty quickly.  We are going to get pictures later but I did get one:

     I made the sign and the cake.  Robert took better pictures but I have to upload them later.  I had a lot of issues frosting the cake, I'm going to practice.  I always make it too thick and the crumbs get all over the place.  I suppose it's a funny story actually.  I borrowed my mom's kitchen because it's more familiar and my house already stresses me out since we are still trying to get settled.  (I will never move while pregnant again.) So things went pretty well until I was finished with the electric mixer and attempted to take the beaters out.  All you do is press the button.  Only one came out while I pressed the button so I struggled with it for several minutes pushing and pulling and finally it popped out.  Unfortunately so did two metal pieces that lock it in place.  I broke the damn thing.  The next day I used it with one beater because I was desperate. PSA: it doesn't work like that.  With all my crumb issues my homemade frosting wasn't enough to cover the cake so I got a can of store bought.  It still turned out close to what I envisioned.  I was going to put "God Bless Adrian" but oh well.

     I hope I do a better job with his first birthday.  I never even mailed invitations to his baptism like I wanted and some people got pretty short notice.  We had brunch and my in laws made tons of food and set up the house with enough tables and chairs and china.  They did all the decorating while Matt and I went to a wedding the day before.  If it was all up to me we would have ended up at my house with donuts and paper plates.  Hopefully my inner domestic goddess improves with time.

     Speaking of the wedding, it was the first time I left Adrian for longer than 1/2 an hour.  I bawled of course.  It was fun hanging out with my friends, and it was good seeing Tom because he wont be back for another year.  It was nice to have one on one time with Matt. However, I don't have the urge to do it again for a while.  Maybe dinner or a movie but not as long as the wedding. My mom played with Adrian that day by the way and he started reaching for the toys!  That was the first time and he has been doing it ever since.  I'm going to make a separate post about everything else so don't judge me for doing two in one day.

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