Saturday, October 6, 2012

Obviously I have a new pet peeve.

     At Adrian's two month appointment the doctor was pleased with his weight and pretty much said he looked perfect.  He had to start getting his shots.  The nurse held his little legs down and poked him in his thighs.  He cried, I cried, and then he fell asleep on the way home while I was still trying to get over it.  I know it's for the best, it's just hard to watch.

     After about 6 years of having the same phone I finally got a new one yesterday.  I got a moby wrap, which is a baby carrier made of fabric that you...wrap. So I used it for the first time at the sprint store and it was awesome, I will be using it everywhere.  I should have gone with my gut and bought it before Vala's.  Live and learn! The cashier said my blue phone was a good choice because the white ones look cheap.  Then two minutes later she realized Matt has the white phone. Awkward.  She also commented on how small Adrian is and asked if he was a preemie.  She didn't mean anything by it but these comments make me feel like everyone thinks I'm starving my baby or something.  He is 10 pounds, it's not that bad.  Being a mom has taught me a lot already; I know what kinds of comments are appropriate to  make about a stranger's baby now.  "How cute/beautiful/adorable etc." and if you really want you can ask about sleeping habits or something.  Obviously I have a new pet peeve.

    To end things on a positive note, Matt just got home and Adrian was sleeping.  I moved and woke him up on accident but when he heard Matt's voice he stared in his direction looking at him.  Matt told him he is the best thing that's ever happened.  Agreed. :)

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