Monday, October 1, 2012

Going to Vala's with a 2 month old is...not the same.

     On saturday we went on our annual trip to Vala's Pumpkin Patch with Emilee, Aaron, Seth, Jill, Shad, Elyza and Anakin.  Matt had to work.  I didn't take any pictures but I should have because he was wearing this adorable sleeper with pumpkins on it and a pumpkin hat.  I'll put him in it again though, we still have a month until halloween.  I believe the only thing I actually did was go into the pumpkin mine after parking my stroller.  Going to Vala's with a 2 month old is...not the same.  I thought he would sleep for a couple of hours at least but I had the genius idea to take him out of his carseat while he was sleeping so I could use the stroller with less bulk.  He woke up.  It was way too hot for a fall day, and I spent half the time trying to keep him out of the sun.  It will be better next year when he will be more interested in his surroundings.

     My friends were nice and took turns pushing the stroller since Adrian ended up needing to be carried for a good portion of the day.  We left earlier than I had expected to because he was hungry and it's not a nursing friendly place.  He drank the bottle I brought at the very beginning.  I would have fed him in the bathroom if it didn't take an hour.  Vala's is huge and I'm not used to all that exercise!  I was so tired.  Side note: don't answer your phone in a construction zone on your way to somewhere you've never driven before.  Lesson learned.

     Adrian and I went to Babies R Us to get a moby wrap because my sling just isn't working for me.  Then we went to Hobby Lobby because I wanted to look at their Halloween decor.  I wanted to use the   wrap there because his carseat wont fit in the basket of the cart (and I remember every horrid news story I've ever read, one of which had a baby die from falling off the top of the cart onto a speed bump) but it was so long, and I felt stupid standing up outside of my car trying to figure it out.  I was able to get it on correctly but it was too tight and he was squished and not too happy.  So I gave up and carried him in my arms while pushing the cart.  They had a 40% off sale on Halloween decor.  Everything I got (3 things) had glitter on it.  It seems inescapable these days.  Adrian isn't complaining yet though.

     This week, thanks to Michelle's facebook status and a picture she posted I started watching a lot of Dr. Who on netflix.  I can see why she loves the doctor so.  I also have some brand new fears.  Like statues.  Just kidding I think.

     Speaking of fears, here is a short tangent: When I was a kid I was TERRIFIED of the movie FernGully, which is probably why I watched it 5000 times. I watched the beginning part today because I was curious and it's just as horrible and traumatic as I remember.  That was made for kids??? Not my kid.  My kid can watch unicorns and talking veggies. Geeze, no wonder I'm so passionate about recycling and taking care of the planet and not killing trees.  It's because deep down in my psyche I know that if I don't play my part in saving the world, Hexxus will come and kill EVERYBODY.  Buffy would have cheered me up after watching that.

Tangent over.  Now baby pictures:

Hanging out with daddy.  This isn't even posed.
Play time!

This is what he's doing as I write this.  He wore pants today and two socks, I promise.

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