Tuesday, April 16, 2013

My used clothing loot and an active baby

     After all the complaining and sarcasm regarding the consignment sale, I forgot to show you a picture of what I actually got.  It's not all that exciting, but here it is:

Seersucker suit (says 18 months but looks huge), polo shirt, sweater vest, and three onesies for $18. Not too bad!  However, I'm craving more deals. 

     We went to Cheddars after the sale and it was a little more hectic than it used to be.  Now there are three kids and I think we'll have to start doing things that the kids like so it's more fair for them.  The nice weather will make it much easier.  

     When we got home we were pretty tired so we had a quiet evening.  At one point I set Adrian down on his back on this blue blanket, facing me.  I left to grab a new outfit for him and when I returned, this is where he was:

     He was stuck under the table a little bit.  He's not actually crawling; he uses a combination of rolling over, pivoting, and scooting backwards.  Like I said though, any day now he'll be crawling forwards.  Doesn't he look proud of himself?  Have I mentioned that he can sit by himself now?  He doesn't fall unless he gets really excited or throws himself forwards.

     The other day we took pictures of him and Hudson in matching pjs.  Adrian was throwing himself at Hudson.  They "talked" to each other a little bit and then they both started yelling and screaming.  I'm sure they'll get along one day.

1 comment:

Jill said...

haha that's so cute how he's scooting and rolling to move all around the room. i like the onesies you got at the consignment sale, i didnt see those before. i love good deals too :)