Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Soaking up the rest of summer

     Today Adrian went for a swim in his baby pool.  He loved it, and it was the perfect weather for it.

He also loved having oatmeal for breakfast and almost ate a whole package.

    This weekend we spent some quality time with Michelle and the kids.  We went to the park and Chili's on Friday while Matt had his friends over. Then we hung out at our parent's house while coloring and listening to 90's music. It was the best.
     The next morning we went to a parade in Michelle's town. It was a beautiful day, and I think Adrian liked it. I swear he said "dog" more than once. Michelle held him while I packed my car up. Hudson was crying and Adrian motioned over to him and she said it sounded like he said Hudson's name a couple of times. He's learning so much!

This is from Friday. Hw was worn out from playing with his cousins and he just passed out in the middle of the hallway.

Playing catch with Matt, using a block. 

     After Adrian's birthday I decided it was high time that he have a toy shelf.  It only made sense to put it in the living room since that's where we spend the most time.  I've been wanting this shelf for awhile and it's perfect.

     Last but not least, Emilee had her baby last night and I can't wait to see her tomorrow!  I told Adrian he has a new friend.  It is so cool that my baby will grow up the the kids of my best friends from college.  I just can't get over that since I was a military brat and never stayed in the same place.  Welcome to the world Rori!

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