Saturday, January 14, 2012

Dear Food, I Miss You

     As soon as I can eat like a normal person I’m going straight for fried rice at either china road or Vietnamese Restaurant, and this chicken, barbecue sauce, cilantro pizza at Extreme Pizza.  Oh and tator-tot casserole!  Also some chicken tenders and mom’s enchiladas and a sausage biscuit.  Geeze I look like a real healthy person.  No wonder my body is averse to all these things.  Matt’s been taking care of dinner for a few weeks now but he only makes things that I can handle so he is missing our old diet too.  

     Even with all the pregnancy symptoms, seeing the baby and hearing his/her heartbeat, it still doesn’t feel real that I’m pregnant.  Maybe when I feel the baby for the first time and actually look pregnant it will kick in more.  A part of me felt like this would never happen for some reason.  Although I also felt like high school would never end, I would never grow up and I would never get married so maybe big changes just take a while for me to grasp. 

     Only 14 days and the first trimester is over!  Then we (me, mom and Michelle) might have to do a little neutral baby shopping.  If I have a girl I’m getting a ton of those baby headbands with flowers/bows on them.  I can see a new obsession forming. 

I found a random quote from when we first got married:

Matt: I’m on an ego trip now, for the past 20 minutes.
Me: How’s that?
Matt: I looked in the mirror.

I also found this fun pregnancy questionnaire.  I’m 11 weeks today!

How far along? 11 weeks
Total weight gain: Last I checked I've lost two pounds compared to what I weighed before I was pregnant.  Thank you food aversions and all day sickness.
Maternity clothes?  I got a belly band, but I haven't needed it since last month..
Best moment this week: Buying girl scout cookies!
Miss Anything? Food.  Also, Coke.  
Movement: Hopefully in a few weeks!
Food cravings: Tacos and ice cream.  But not together, that's gross.
Food aversions: Chicken, pizza, anything greasy or unhealthy
Gender: I say girl, Matt says boy.  Hopefully we will find out in March but I'll be happy with either.  But I'm leaning towards girl because then I would know for sure that I get at least one girl.
Symptoms: Nausea is starting to wear off, so is fatigue.  But the other day I smelled trash and there was no trash around.  Then it happened again at work.  Pregnancy is weird.  I told Matt "I know for sure this is your kid because he is being a pain in the ass."  But I'm just kidding because it's not the baby's fault.
Belly Button in or out? In, no change.
Wedding rings on or off? On. I doubt I'll have to take them off.
Looking forward to: Hearing the heartbeat again so I know everything is still OK, our 20 week ultrasound and feeling movement!  Also getting into the second trimester at the end of the month.

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