Friday, January 6, 2012

Things I have cried at/about

Before I got pregnant I had dreams about babies every night.  Now I dream about everything but babies.  Like being a spy or last night when I was Belle from Beauty and the Beast, and I met the beast and he was disgusting. Luckily Matt's alarm woke me up.

I've also been crying at everything.  The other day I came home from work crying and told Matt that if this is a boy, one day he is going to grow up and find another woman and replace me.  I'm already feeling territorial, that doesn't bode well for the future.  Sorry future daughter-in-laws!  Daughters are different because they are always pretty loyal to you even when they get married.

Other things I have cried at:

* A Best Buy commercial where that chick was mean to Santa.  SERIOUSLY why be mean to Santa?  He gives you gifts out of the kindness of his heart and you have to be a jerk?  I'm not apologizing for this one.

* A "What Not to Wear" reveal.  But those people are doing the world a huge service.

* Christmas songs/love songs/any songs that have to do with parenting or Jesus

* When I couldn't eat my burger on the way home from MN, due to morning sickness

I'm sure the list will grow but that's all I remember for now.  Matt and I have colds again so it will be a pretty chill weekend.  Saturday marks 10 weeks!  25% of the way there!

One of the first things people say when I tell them my due date is "you're going to be so hot this summer!" and I decided to respond with "I know, but Matt says I'm hot every day."

1 comment:

Patty said...

I feel the same way about Santa! Thank you for having the "Baby Counter". 1/4 of an ounce? Did I get that right? The ultrasound showed such a well-developed baby for something so small. The miracle of life! :)