Tuesday, January 17, 2012

More Rantings of a Crazy Pregnant Woman (is that redundant?)

     I’m very grateful for this baby, he is a dream come true.  That being said, there is one thing about pregnancy that bugs me the most: being told what to do.  I realize that it’s for the safety of the baby, and it’s for the best (blah blah blah) but does a book really have to lecture me on eating a donut?  One donut? A month week? I wanted to see the progress of the baby at 11 weeks so I went to this website and it said you better not eat any ice cream for dessert, it’s best to stick with carrot sticks but PUT DOWN THAT RANCH DRESSING!  I made some of that up but seriously, pregnant women shouldn’t eat ice cream?  My body is telling me what I can and cannot eat and if I don’t eat that ice cream, I will not be able to function while my head is screaming ICE CREAM!!! FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY PICK UP THAT FREAKING SPOON!! 

     It has calcium in it right?  I drink milk and water and orange juice every day, I eat fruit and veggies and whatever my head decides is acceptable for the day.  I think I deserve a little ice cream, or a piece of cake or a cookie for heaven’s sake.  These people must not understand cravings. I didn’t know what a craving really was until yesterday when I thought I smelled a breakfast burrito (jenny had made a chicken tv dinner) and all I could think of were breakfast burritos and I had to force feed my spaghettio lunch to myself because it sounded disgusting compared to the burrito.  So I made 4 last night and saved a couple for lunch.  Then I fell asleep on the couch because I was exhausted from cooking apparently. 

     The point is, I know why I can’t have alcohol or too much fish or raw food.  I don’t really like any of those anyways.  I understand why I should exercise and eat healthy, ditch caffeine, take my vitamins, and avoid dangerous sports and roller coasters.  However, my doctor says “everything in moderation.”  So to the pregnancy expert book writers: You may take my rum and coke, but you can never take my donuts!

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