Sunday, March 25, 2012

21 weeks/ Matt trying to turn the baby against me

  • How far along? 21 weeks
  • Total weight gain: Nothing since last week, although I'm hungry every couple of hours so that's kind of surprising.
  • Maternity clothes? Finally got some shorts!  And a couple tighter shirts so people can actually see my baby bump.  Some of the clothes I have are pretty loose right now.
  • Best moment this week:  When Matt tried to indoctrinate the baby into only trusting Daddy and Jesus.    
  • Miss Anything? I kind of miss my figure every now and then, but I was the one that kept saying "give me a baby bump!" so I won't complain.  Plus I like my bump.
  • Movement: Still wondering what he's doing, there's tons of movement and it's fun to watch it on the outside.  I'm wondering when it's going to start to hurt.
  • Food cravings: Nothing in particular
  • Food aversions: Mostly just greasy food.
  • Gender: 2 more work days and then we will know, aaaaggggghhhhhh!!!!
  • Symptoms: Possibly braxton hicks, possibly caused or made more severe by stress at work.  Lots of stress at work.  I haven't dreaded anything so much since student teaching, ( I'm still getting over the trauma that was student teaching)
  • Belly Button in or out? Still in, give it a couple weeks
  • Looking forward to: ending the great gender debate on Wednesday and Easter.  

Maybe this wasn't the best shirt to take a picture in.  I feel  like I look bigger than this.

     We went bowling last night and ate dinner at Scott's house for his birthday.  I got a couple strikes at first and started thinking that when the pregnancy changed my center of gravity, maybe it made me normal since it was off in the first place.  Nope, I lost pretty horribly.  The boys wanted to ride go karts but you aren't allowed to drive if you've had any beer, so they were denied.  

     Yesterday we also stopped at Mrs. B's just to see what they had for couches and dining room sets.  There were lots of good deals of course but I got very excited when we found a white crib for $75.  I didn't know anything about the brand though, or if there are specific things to look for when buying a crib so we decided to think about it.  Of course it was gone today, but we found an even better crib with a changing table attached for $100 more in Nebraska Furniture Mart. We haven't gotten it yet since there's no hurry and our storage space is limited.  Oh and Matt's mom is giving us a dresser that used to be one of the boys' for the baby's room.  So we won't be spending too much on the nursery.  Score!

     We also picked out paint colors but all I know for sure is that the living room walls with be gray with white trim and the dining room and kitchen will be yellow.  Matt gets to have a man cave on the first floor, so I'm not giving my opinion on that room too much.  I told him he can do what he wants with that room if I can do what I want with the nursery.  Within reason.  

     Oh and in regards to the comment about Matt indoctrinating the baby: the other morning Matt was talking to the baby and he said "No one is your friend but Jesus" and "you can't trust anyone in this world but your father" and he whispered it like he was conspiring.  He kept repeating it too.  I mean, the Jesus comment is pretty true but he can't turn the kid against me!  Matt told me that when I'm trying to get our kid to bed, and I'm chasing him/her he will say "Don't let her get you! run! freedom!"  We shall see Matthew, we shall see.

1 comment:

Jill said...

i love seeing your baby bump! it makes me jealous- all i have is a muffin top