Wednesday, March 28, 2012

It's a Boy!

     I'm so thrilled!  This morning Matt talked to baby and said "don't disappoint daddy, be a boy!"  Oddly enough, I've had this feeling for the past couple weeks that it was a boy.  The thought of a daughter suddenly  seemed foreign to me and a son felt more natural.  I kept thinking of this summer romper I saw with white and blue stripes and a little dog on the side.
Seriously, how cute is this?  

I was in denial though because I had such a pretty idea for a girls nursery; I'll miss my peachy pink wall color I was going to use. Blue will be pretty too though!

     Matt had to go to training for work that he couldn't miss, so my mom came with me to the ultrasound.  As soon as the doctor placed the wand on my belly she said "I know what it is!"  She asked if I could tell.  Baby's bottom was facing us, so it was pretty obvious.  It wasn't the umbilical cord either, so I would say it's a boy for sure.  It was hard to get a good look at him but we saw his foot, hand, and his face.  It was pretty cool.  I would like to see a scale model of how big baby is and what he looks like right now.  I took the day off, so mom did too and we went shopping!  I only went a little crazy, but hey I've been holding back for so long I deserved it.  My mom picked out a onesie that says "Daddy and I agree: Mommy is the boss." I picked one that says "Daddy's little monster"

     So now I'm trying to get Matt to decide on a name.  I know we have 4 months but I'm not that patient.  I have a feeling it will either be Adrian or Leonardo.  I can picture having a Leo.  Leonardo could take some getting used to, but Matt is part Italian so it kind of works.  His family name used to be Palma but they changed it when they got to the states.

     Matt is SO excited.  He is going to have a partner in crime, a "minion".  (Although I always thought Chris was his partner in crime.)   I keep thinking of Matt and our son doing Taekwondo together, having a momma's boy, getting a family picture taken, and I must say: Halloween is going to be epic.

The only bad thing is that one day he will start dating girls, and I won't like any of them.  I'm way too territorial.


1 comment:

Jill said...

i'm sooooo happy for you guys! you will have so much fun with a little boy! i bet matt is thrilled- shad was so happy that anakin was a boy too. guys like playing football more than dresses i suppose :)