Monday, October 29, 2012

Yet another resolution

     First of all, today's pictures have nothing to do with the content.  However if you have a short attention span like I do, you'll appreciate the breaks.  Yesterday I turned 26. I had some pretty good things happen at age 25 and I'm sure it will only get better. Did I just jinx myself?  Just kidding, I don't believe in jinxes. Knock on wood.
I need to use my camera more instead of my phone

Holding onto his monkey

     Jill shared a blog with me about a woman who is trying to simplify her life by doing one small thing a day for a year. They purged a lot and started being more green.  It's really inspiring, here's the address: . There's a whole movement of people trying to live more simply.  For example, there's a challenge to live with only 100 things that I've heard about.  I've also read blogs about people who only wear one outfit for a whole year. After the headache of moving all of our stuff (mostly mine, I admit) I feel even more inspired to get rid of as much as possible.  I've always been one to hold on to objects because of nostalgia, feeling like said objects could be useful in the future or my head exploding from trying to figure out what in the world to do with random objects. (i.e. computer accessories, cables, papers, hardware, more papers, misc.) This is one habit I would like to avoid passing on to Adrian.  I did get rid of a lot before I got married; I would carry 2 or 3 bags of trash out of my room at a time.  I think getting rid of things strikes my guilt complex.  I have no idea why.

     I'm going to try to do a little bit every day and see how much I can give away or throw away.  I think it will lead to less stress.  Plus who doesn't love the feeling of purging unnecessary items?  Once I get my house together (how many times have I used that phrase?) I feel like we can start getting into a routine.  I would like to eat healthier, finish my curtains, have a cleaning schedule and end my backed up laundry issues. I miss baking and I need practice on cakes.  Plus Christmas is coming up; we need to make room for the tree somehow. Oh my goodness, thinking about Christmas makes me giddy.

     Wish me luck on this endeavor. I have a habit of getting really inspired by something, starting it and forgetting about it within a month. *insert embarrassed face here*

     I should use Adrian's face instead of emoticons.  


Patty said...

Love that expression on Adrian's face! Good intentions matter, as far as living simply goes- and that's half the battle- knowing you have extra stuff. That is step 1 of the 12 step pack rat program! :)

Jujube said...

lol I'd love to see all 12 steps ;)