Thursday, June 13, 2013

10 Months

     Adrian has learned so much in the past month.  His personality gets stronger all the time.  It was hard to take pictures this month because all he wanted to do was dive headfirst off the chair.  Here is what Adrian is like at 10 months:


  • Got his two front bottom teeth
  • Crawls forwards
  • Gets into a sitting position by himself
  • Stands himself up with the help of furniture
  • Climbs stairs
  • Eats chunks of food, not just purees
  • Sleeps in his room until 6:00 AM
  • Holds his own bottle
  • Chasing Sophie
  • Balls
  • Attacking Matt in the morning to wake him up
  • Blowing raspberries
  • Whining
  • Sticking his tongue out
     .  Life is a little more hectic now but he's getting so fun!  Adrian is such a loving, energetic, sweet boy. Thank goodness I have a baby gate that keeps him in the living room.   There are so many different little noises and facial expressions he makes.  I love when he raises his eyebrows real quick, or twitches his nose, then smiles. He looks so cute sitting up.  Matt said when he looks at Adrian's face upside down he feels like he's looking at himself.  I can't believe he will be a year old in two months!

1 comment:

Jill said...

does matt enjoy getting woken up by an adrian attack as much as adrian loves it? shad LOVES it when i stick a kid in his face in the morning so i bet all dads do ;)
adrian's hair is starting to look so much darker now!